sea buckthorn for anti ageing

Sea Buckthorn in skin care

I wonder if you can relate to each of us in our family having a niggle of some kind with our skin? Eczema was such a big problem for our eldest son, when he was tiny, that he went through a period when the only way he could sleep was having wet wraps over his body when he went to bed (thankfully this is no longer the case!). For me, now I’m getting older, I am aware of my skin ageing. And, with 3 teenagers in the family, problems like acne become acutely embarrassing for them if it flares up.

With all this in mind I wanted to learn a more natural skincare solution that really worked and was kinder to us and the environment than many of the modern treatments.

So I am part way through a professional diploma to become a knowledgeable skincare formulator using all natural ingredients. This knowledge is informing the development of our forest garden. The more I learn the more determined I am that I no longer want to use products on any of our skin using artificial ingredients and it is really exciting to produce specifically formulated skincare products that meet our individual needs, that smell gorgeous, feel fabulous on the skin, and make noticeable improvements. The first of these products will be available later this year.

One of the plants added to our forest garden with this in mind is the sea buckthorn. Sea buckthorn is an ideal choice for any anti-ageing blend and is said to help regenerate skin cells and have skin healing properties. It is also high in essential fatty acid and contains antioxidants. Sea buckthorn is part of the Elaeagnaceae family and has glaucous leaves and beautiful orange-berries.

If you would like to be one of the first to know when we have completed all our development and have natural skincare products available, do join our newsletter!

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