Health and Skincare

4 posts

Skin care miles

Alongside studying hard to qualify as a botanical skincare formulator I am working on my own range of skincare products. I no longer use any mass produced skincare products on my skin. The more I’ve learnt about the make up of my skin, and how it absorbs and can be nourished by what is placed […]

sea buckthorn for anti ageing

Sea Buckthorn in skin care

I wonder if you can relate to each of us in our family having a niggle of some kind with our skin? Eczema was such a big problem for our eldest son, when he was tiny, that he went through a period when the only way he could sleep was having wet wraps over his […]

Calendula Tea

Calendula has to be one of the most popular medicinal herbs used today. It is in many ointments and creams for treating everything from minor grazes to fungal infections. We grow it year round in our polytunnel and it is rarely out of flower. Its cheerful bright orange or yellow flowers lift the spirits! Not […]

Enhancing Natural Immunity with Echinacea Purpurea

Times like these make us all look at the world through fresh eyes.  As the news unfolds daily with the latest worries over the Coronavirus, more and more I find myself appreciating watching nature unfold this spring and observing our animals going about their daily activities with their usual bounce.  With a fresh focus I’ve […]