Cutting Flowers

We grow a lot of flowers for cutting. From early spring onwards we aim to have fresh flowers for all our guests in their accommodation. We like them to be bright and vibrant – a little joyous bouquet to lift the spirits of our guests as they arrive after a long journey.

This year we had only just started to add colourful bouquets to the shepherd’s hut when the government shutdown was announced.
The garden does not stop though. Even with half the world in lockdown, nature continues. Currently our tulips are a riot of colour. They last for only a few weeks and we never pick them all but we love their loud declaration that spring has sprung.

To keep up the succession in our cutting borders we are sowing for the months to come. Carnations, nigella, cornflowers, calendula have all been sown this morning.

It is this sort of methodical action that keeps us moving to a rhythm at this time without the usual people to interact with face to face.

We are so lucky to have the space to move and a long list of jobs that just take time; no resources, just time! Time is usually so precious and currently we have all the time in the world to tackle those long lists of jobs.
Now I’m off to pick some tulips for our own home, to have the joy of those vibrant colours on the dining table for later.

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