Nelly and Scrag

I love the natural beauty of the English countryside. At a time like this when everything is so different I find stopping to enjoy the natural world even more essential. Alone time just to walk and meditate and to see nature continuing as normal.

I share this time with my dog Nelly. She is the perfect companion, always there, but sensing when to interact and when to go with the flow.

What I was not expecting this morning as I set off for my walk was a second companion. Nelly’s best friend – Scrag (I know, unusual name!)

I started down our lane with both pets following. I was expecting Scrag would go half way down the lane, wave us off and head back to a comfortable chair to sleep. But no. He continued. Across the road, up the bridleway, along a field. It was at this point he started to look a little nervous. Not sure what to do. I think he wanted to turn for home, but did not want to do the journey alone. Let’s face it cats don’t want to be shown up! After a few tentative mews and a pleading gaze I decided I would spare his pride and return home with him.

Not the walk I wanted, but I would not be without my loving companions. An essential part of our life. I can always walk again…

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