Making Crab Apple and Cobnut Stuffing

our hedges are full of Cobnuts at the moment and we’re in competition with the squirrels to make the most of this harvest.

Cobnuts or hazelnuts are delicious when de-shelled and lightly roasted to bring out their sweetness. We’ll often do just that but there is so much more you can do with them, like this delicious Crab apple and cobnut stuffing recipe I made this weekend and batched up to freeze.

The recipe below is sufficient to make 5 family meals worth but you can change the quantities to make enough for an individual meal:

4 onions

20 fresh sage leaves

6 slices of bread (we freeze our crusts for this purpose)

10 crab apples

200g of hazelnuts

salt and pepper

Finely chop the onions and sage and gently fry with a little rapeseed oil until cooked.

Shell the hazelnuts and lightly roast in the oven for 5 minutes then lightly chop

chop up the bread and apples then mix all the ingredients and season to taste.

We love this with roast pork and crackling.  Take some of the fat from the roast about half an hour before the end and roast  the stuffing.

Let us know what you think :o)


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