Skin care miles

Alongside studying hard to qualify as a botanical skincare formulator I am working on my own range of skincare products.

I no longer use any mass produced skincare products on my skin. The more I’ve learnt about the make up of my skin, and how it absorbs and can be nourished by what is placed on it, the more excited I have become about creating something sourced from botanicals that give my skin the best care as I get older.

Alongside this I am looking at the sourcing of the ingredients. I have a belief that what grows together tends to work together. There are many really amazing beautiful ingredients sourced from all over the globe that contain many compounds that have wonderful benefits for the skin. However it is wonderful to find, when looking in our own gardens, just how many of our local plants also contain the very same amazing array of these beneficial compounds – but all local to us.

Does this mean I could develop a beautiful-feeling product that smells amazing and is effective, all from my garden? The vast majority of the active ingredients can come from plants that grow in the UK, although certain items such as carrier butters tend to come from more exotic climates,

In developing my range of products I am taking its environmental impact and how these ingredients interrelate into consideration. There is no need for me to source exotic oils when our more local oils are so brilliant for our skin. For ingredients that are not native to us I will only use those that we can sourced ethically and sustainably, thus contributing to the livelihoods of another culture in a sustainable way.

Setting these objectives at the start really excites me. Especially when I learn about the fantastic ingredients that I can use and spotlight for their wonderful benefits. My hands are a testament to just how good these ingredients are!

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