
2 posts

As a permaculture site we aim to integrate systems to the benefit of each. Most of our animals are there to provide manure and graze down specific grasses and weeds. Our current animals include – Rabbits, Ducks, chickens and sheep.

Nelly and Scrag

I love the natural beauty of the English countryside. At a time like this when everything is so different I find stopping to enjoy the natural world even more essential. Alone time just to walk and meditate and to see nature continuing as normal. I share this time with my dog Nelly. She is the […]

Ducks in the Forest Garden

We have a lot of grass in the Forest Garden during this early phase and have taken on some little helpers to help to keep this in check.  They are loving their new home – especially the bathing facilities! Watch this video of our new additions (The large Muscovy is named Mr Incredible due to his […]