
4 posts

Mulberry tree in our forest garden

I know a number of people who’ve created a Forest Garden say the first tree on their list was the Mulberry.  Well, there must be something in the type of people who grow Forest Gardens and Mulberry trees; because it has been a tree I’ve wished to grow for years. Mulberry is a tree with […]

Elaeagnus xebbinggei

You may already be growing this shrub in your garden.  It is useful as a hedging shrub particularly in coastal areas where it can cope with salt-laden air.  Though wind is an issue in our location this is not the key reason for selecting it. The whole Elaeagnus  family are nitrogen fixers.  This means they have […]

What will be in our Forest Garden?

If you’ve been following us over the last month you may well be aware we have been raising money through Crowdfunder towards the canopy layer of our forest garden. I’m glad to say with minutes to go we made it to our total and are now starting to get physical with the forest garden and […]

Hello and welcome!

e’re just going into the autumn.  Our spindle is turning a beautiful shade of red and our hedges are full of cobnuts and raspberries. We’ve an exciting few months ahead as we plan a new forest garden close to the house and start laying down the ground work.  We’ll be sharing our progress on our […]