Monthly Archives: May 2014

3 posts

Improving our wind break

Our Forest Garden is, on the whole, well protected from the ferocity of the winds we can get on our farm.  We have a tall hedge to the north that cuts out all the cold northerly winds in winter, and the SW prevailing wind has to get through hedges, trees and a bank before it […]

Unusual edible trees for an English garden…

Last week was damp and warm which brought about in an explosion of growth in our Forest Garden – including our trees. Our mulching is starting to pay dividends holding back the grass around each tree as grass would reduce tree root development. This week I’m writing about some of the trees and shrubs in […]

Spring in the Forest Garden

This winter has been a busy time in our forest garden.  Many new trees have been planted and now all that hard work is starting to show some rewards. This is a short post showing just a few images of what is happening to some of the plants in our forest garden this May 2014. […]